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Task : Find information from documents

Preparation reading.

1. Read Hanna's employee card. Mark the sentences true  or false

a. Her first name's Antonia.
b. Her surname's Vincent.
c. Her mobile numbers O77711
d. She's thirty-three years old.
e. She's from Britain
f. Paul Vincent is her husband 
g. His work number is 77654
h. Her doctor's name is Dr Elm.

Work in pairs.

Student. A 
look at Jamie's documents on page 15. Complete the table about Jamie. 

Student B : 
Look at Chris's documents on page 139. Complete the table about Chrissie.


Full name :
 Hana Antonia Vincent

Address : 
Elm Road. York Y019. United State.

Contact in an emergency. Paul Vincent

2. Student A. Ask Student B question about Chrissir. Write the Imformation in the table.

Useful language a and b.

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